(This was last night)

Walking out of the office tonight and into the cool evening I behold a great display of God’s glory. The sun is setting as light clouds float in from the east. The bright orange and red colored glow through the evergreen and mostly naked deciduous trees; the clouds orange, blue, pink, with an essence of purple. I attempt to capture the scene with my camera, but alas, one can never photograph the glory of God!

As I drive away, up and over the steep hills, I watch the sky change, each valley and hilltop revealing a new layer of beauty. The sky’s horizon over the trees deepens from it’s many colors of orange and red to a deep and brilliant orange, while the clouds reflection’s of color fade and darken. I come around the bend and into view of the lake – the sun is gone, the orange and red glow extint. Lake Lanier’s still water reflects the darkening clouds of dusk, contrasted against the faintly lit blue sky behind them.
I cannot but think that God created sunrises and sunsets solely to disply his awesome beauty to us. Oh, that my eyes be opened to behold this glory more often!!