Alright, so I want to see if I know how to put pictures in my blog right.  Let’s see…

   Ok, so that’s in.  Is it going to look okay though.  I don’t know.  This is my cutie patootie niece, Julianna Joy – 19 months old.   This was taken the day I was trying to work at Anne’s house, but was so distracted by Juli, I could hardly get anything done!!

  This is my dear friend Michelle that drove home with me from Georgia!!  We had a great time hanging out in Atlanta that Sunday afternoon – perfect weather and fun things to see. 🙂

  Haven’t you all wanted to be in my place at the Coke Museum?  All the carbonated Coke products you can handle at the end of the tour!!  Elizabeth?!  Don’t you want to visit? 

Ok, well this is the end of my test. 🙂