I awake several times thoughout each night to an orchestra of roosters!  Nearly every family here has chickens and roosters in their yard and they hold their deepest conversations all night long.  We hear them ‘cock-a-doodle-do’ in the day time, but not as often (or at least we don’t notice it!)  Night time seems to be boring for them so they fill it with NOISE!  One rooster will call out first and the entire neighborhood of roosters will respond and go back and forth for 10 minutes, then will quiet down for a few minutes before it begins again.  I seem to always awake to them about 2 and 3 in the morning. 

Tonight is our first ministry evening with Noah, our local contact here that we are working along side.  Team ZEO (my team) is working with team AGAPETOS together while in Mexico.  We will go out for several hours ahead of time, meeting locals, praying with them and inviting them to his home tonight.  At 6pm he will show a Christian movie and then Eric Hanson will share the gospel.  Many come who do not know Jesus, so this will be an awsome time.  We have already seen people dedicate their lives to Christ in the services of the other church with whom we are working in the last 2 days.  God is powerfully working in lives and I’m so excited to see Him continue!

Please be praying for Noah and us as we seek to minister to people’s lives, and especially for Eric as he prepares to share the Gospel, and in Spanish besides!   We are all growing in our giftings and skills and it’s a joy to begin seeing each of our strengths manifest.

Thank you all for you support and prayers.  You all make this kingdom growing possible.  Be blessed!