Jan 25

We had another service at Noe’s on Tuesday night, and James taught. Again this service started small, just the Racers and Noe’s family. James taught the message anyway, even though it was a salvation message to us who already are saved. He did a fabulous job (I understood it, since it was in English!), though it may have been discouraging. At the end of his message, Noe gave a good pep talk to encourage us. He shared the parable that Jesus taught about the rich man who was having a great feast. He invited many people to come, people he thought would want to come, but they all had excuses as to why they wouldn’t make it. When nobody came, the host was upset and decided that those he had invited didn’t need to be there, and he told his servants to go out and invite all the lowest class people to this great feast. Noe encouraged us in saying that though we invite people, and some even say they will come, it will often be those we don’t invite – those that just walk by, that come to the ‘feast.’ Once he finished sharing this with great joy, he began to lead is in one song of worship to end the service. Before this one song was done, there were several people gathered outside the yard, drawn to the worship! So, we kept worshipping instead of ending the service. Eric and Jake went to speak with those who had just arrived and one guy accepted Christ right there! It was such an amazing display of God’s divine timing and plan, that Noe shared that message of encouragement for us and then we saw it happen.

Last night, the two teams working with Noe met at his home to pray for the ministry and for his family. It was something that had been on our hearts for a while, but we hadn’t had the time set aside for such prayer till then. It was a wonderful time of intercession or the neighborhood and the people there. Noe didn’t get home from work until right about the time we finished praying, but then he joined us for some more worship. It was so sweet to worship with him, even though it was in Spanish. God is the same in all languages and when we begin to worship in Spirit and truth, it transcends all language barriers.