For our Saturday off today, we opted to visit Phi Phi (Pee Pee) Island, which is supposedly absolutely beautiful. After today, I still have to believe the lovely little postcards about the colors…

It wasn’t quite the sunny cloudless day we had been wanting and that would have made the islands more radiant, the snorkeling brighter and the water clearer, but even without the sun, it was beauty and adventure I won’t forget.

I have learned that…

1.) A speed boat across the ocean into the pelting rain is most enjoyed by laying down in the front of the boat as it pounds across the swells, because the rain then misses my face saving me from the wonderfully pleasant pins and needles experience.

2.) Even in a rain storm the beauty I have seen in movies set on beaches does indeed exist. The water was blue and green, yet clear, the bottom visible in most places. Soft white sand between our toes…

3.) I really do float in salt water. I knew this, but never experienced it like here. It was so salty that I’m not sure I could have sunk if I tried. (I didn’t try…)

4.) I like swimming with fins on – I’ve never done that before and it makes me feel like a pro!

5.) Snorkeling is easy and fish are gorgeous. I swam through whole schools of brightly colored fishies that looked like they would glow in the dark!  Never did find Nemo though.

6.) Riding a large 3-engine speed boat (with great speed) across the water, crashing down over each swell was better than a roller coaster, because it had the same effects, but lasted over 45 seconds.

7.) There are actually ‘sea monkeys’!  They are darling, running around on the beach, awaiting the next piece of fruit all of the tourists hand them. 

Overall, the day was great, despite the rain and lack of sun. Just a note to all… for vacation purposes, August is not a good month to visit Thailand. They say September and October are great.  🙂 I’ll have to remember that for the future!