he Month in Peru went faster than any of the previous months. It makes me wonder if the following months will fly by, each more quickly than the one before. Having only had access to internet once a week, and unfortunately not keeping up with stories throughout each week, I feel like I have left all of you out of my month’s experiences here. I will therefore now try to collect some thoughts of Peru and share them with you.

The ministry in Peru bore much fruit, in various ways. The people of Tumpa were eager for the Gospel and the truth that we brought to them. Many accepted Jesus as their savior, and were thirsty for more teaching and training. All World Racers played various roles, some people teaching in church, in Musho and at the Mine; some invested more deeply in individuals, truly making disciples through relationship; the intercessory team spent time praying for the teams, for the locals and for God’s glory to be made known. A new church has been established among the people, as Pastor Josua takes on the job of leading three towns’ churches. Please keep him in prayer as well as the others who work with him, since this calling is no small job right now.

I was primarily a prayer warrior for the duration of the month, so because of that, didn’t form any significant individual relationships with locals. At first that was somewhat difficult to accept because I felt that I needed those relationships to be making a difference, but we saw the truth of the matter as the month progressed. When we came together and sought the Lord in prayer, we saw the deepening of relationship between the locals and the Racers that God called to personally disciple. We saw more fruit when we
intentionally prayed – a lesson we seem to learn again each and every month.

ZEO’s week in Mancos was personally my favorite, though the ministry was very different that that in Tumpa. Instead of evangelism, our mission in Mancos was to encourage the church, which has nearly ceased to exist. Unfortunately, as with many churches as home, people had become wounded and offended, and the Enemy was given a foothold and caused the church to die. We spent the mornings with Pastor Eladio and an elder of the church, visiting homes of believers who have stopped coming to church. Each evening we held a ‘service’ at the church, and though most nights, very few people came, there was fruit borne in the long run.

The Sunday we left, the pastor, the elders and the members of the small church, shared with tears how we had lifted their spirits and hearts. By teaching on unity, talking to people about the love and forgiveness God offers and calls us to, and by demonstrating unity in our team, the people saw in us what God called us to do there. I would have loved to spend more time in Mancos to encourage them and see them grow. I will continue to pray that they grow in unity and love for one another and share that with the rest of the community.

There are many stories that transpired over the month, both in ministry and adventurous days off, but were I to begin to tell them now, this blog would become too long! Thank you for all your continued prayers and support even when communication from me is less abundant than it has been in the past. I know that I cannot be doing this without those of you who stand behind me and my team in prayer.