Flexibility is key.  We have been told that since the beginning of training, and I have continually emphasized that to hopeful applicants.  In a mission and trip such as The World Race, in so many various cultures and circumstances, there is bound to be constant change, and the need for flexibility.  Daily schedules will change from time to time, and often things will not quite be on schedule.  We have been drilled to be flexible in our training thus far -mostly classroom training. 
    This week, my team, the Kosmonauts, along with the other small teams, had opportunity to practice this rule of flexibility.  It has been decided that the best thing for all teams would be to divide the Kosmonauts, 5 of us, between the other three small teams on our squad.  This makes for stronger teams all around. 
I am excited about this change, and the chance to practice what I’ve been telling people for so long.  After spending a couple months of weekly conference calls with our team, it was sad for us to separate, as we have already become a bit of a family.  But…I believe that God has great plans for each one of us in our ‘new’ families.  We will always be Kosmosnauts ;-), even though I may now be a “ZEOnaut” with my brother Chad.  Chad Heap and I have joined Team Zeo, Mary has joined Team Agapetos, and Shawna and Stephanie have joined Team Nessa (team 5 on the Meet the 2007 Racers web page).
    I am joyfully anticipating my first conference call with my new team this evening.