Feb. 7th


has been a more restful week for all teams, but especially for Squad B. We are going to take turns volunteering a
couple hours each morning at a school run by an organization called ‘God’s
Child’, just spending time with the kids.
ZEO is also looking into volunteering at the hospital in town tomorrow
and perhaps Friday, holding and feeding babies.
However, our main focus is refreshing in the Lord and developing our
team more and more. We have been
reminded this week again that unless we are being filled with Jesus, and
working together as a unified team, then our ability to reach out to others effectively
is hindered. Our next destination is Nicaragua and
our hearts desire is to go boldly into our calling there – refreshed and
renewed in Jesus.

The coffee shop we have spent a bit of time
in is a Youth With A Mission (YWAM) ministry, and I have really enjoyed
interacting a bit with other English speaking Christians. They are having an English worship service
tomorrow night that I am really excited about – it actually is the number one
thing I want to make sure I do for my birthday.
So, the plan is to have an early dinner so we can go worship with other
believers! I am so looking forward to
that. I love to worship the Lord with
music, and am blessed so much when I do, but we have lacked in that in the last
month, since we don’t have a guitar on the team, and haven’t figured out the
accapella thing quite yet. J

Pray for all the teams as we focus on team
unity and spending significant quality time with Jesus as individuals!