Our Contact here briefed us on Mozambique,
as well as some of Swaziland,
and so from that information and my own thoughts, here are some specific prayer
requests. I would love if some of you
would print these out and continue to pray for me, all Racers and Mozambique in


small team, squad, ministry partners


we are heading into Malaria area, among other diseases, particularly in the
flood relief areas, poisonous snakes and insects.

awareness and strength

this is a totally new kind of challenge for all of
us, and we will all be exposed to much more than we have till now. We want to be strengthened in God alone,
walking in the Holy Spirit daily. There
will be spiritual battles continually.
Witchraft if hugely prevelant.

hearts and humility

– We don’t know what lies ahead, but I know that
attitudes of servants and humility are huge, and I know we will get tired of it
at times.


boldness to pray for healing, and to speak the Word of God.

to culture

– even more vastly different than central and South
America. Keeping in mind
that cultural things are not so much right or wrong, but only different.

Also, there are stereotypes that people hold
of Americans that are not us, so we need to be aware of that.


– for all of the above challenges, and for the slowness of the culture, verses
our speedy American pace. This is a
great frustration for many.


– theft is common; safety for our belongings and for us. Travel is extensive, over bad roads.

– Mozambique
is open to the Gospel and is in the midst of perhaps the greatest revival in
the world right now. They are eager for
Jesus and missionaries are well received.
This is going to be an incredible time – no doubt about that. Pray for disciples to be made and further
discipled. Pray also for all us Racers
who have much to learn, that our hearts would be open to all God has for us,
even when the lessons are hard to learn.


– We will be traveling to Mozambique on
bus for 3 days straight and jumping into ministry right away, so we will be
exhausted again. We will be riding
cramped ‘chicken buses’ where sleeping on a bus is not really probable at all. 🙂