The last week that we were in Phuket, I went to visit Un, and was told that she was out with her ‘boyfriend’ – a customer, who had hired her for about a week. I was disappointed I wouldn’t likely see her again before I left, but realized this is indeed her life. Chris Telfer, Sarah and Leah and I stuck around Sydney Bar to talk to the other girls and after about an hour, Un showed up with her ‘boyfriend’ – a middle aged man from Missouri.

We talked to him, Sarah more than anyone, and heard a bit of his story. Simply a broken man finding a semblance of love and affection in a young woman looking for the same. I had for only moments the defensiveness for Un that I had expected, before I allowed the grace of God to move in me. I loved on Un, chatting with her as normal, as she told me what fun things she was going to get to see and do while on vacation with this man – para-sailing, Phi Phi Island, visiting the beach… all the things tourists do.

 She seemed happy and I can’t help but wonder is she is hoping that maybe this is the man to really love her and change her life. All the girls come to this job with a dream that some man will truly fall in love with them, whisk them away to their western home, and support the girls’ families at home in Northern Thailand. Is this her dream right now? Beneath her smiling face lies the fear that it won’t be and this has just become her life; one dream after another, broken and lying in ruins at the end of a week. A hardened, unexpectent heart forms inside and recovers more quickly than any ever should from broken dreams.

I ache to see her in this way, but I also ache to see this man with her. His life is one of broken dreams and a broken heart, searching in a bar girl for what can only be found in relationship with his Creator. I can’t say that understand why he is able to justify purchasing a girl for the purposes of both sex and companionship, except that his perspective, as well as other men’s, is that the girls are trying to make money for their families, and the men are helping them out.

He was pleased to hear what we were doing, what S.H.E. is doing, offering alternative income for the girls, and promised Sarah that he would treat Un like a queen. Chris and I prayed for him after we left the bar, broken for him and the other men in the same place in life as him. A great realization of the lostness and brokeness of the men of our generations brought us to deeper prayer for the coming generations.

We pray conviction for the men that visit these places, that they would be faced with Truth, and come to a knowledge of and relationship with the Almighty God who has created them for His purposes. We pray that they would rise up as Godly men who will lead those who come behind them in truth, wisdom and humility. There is restoration coming – always waiting in the wings, for anyone who seeks it in Jesus. I am so thankful and from time to time, overwhelmed by the incredible grace of our God, the mercy extended to us each day, new and fresh, and abundant. His love is never ending, His desire for us always burning in his heart, His Spirit longing intensely for relationship with each of us.