At the end of our Race Day in Hong
Kong on October 13th, we had the chance to visit Disneyland Hong
Kong.  The following is a journal entry I wrote the next day, a
blog I have been meaning to post since then…but, better late than
never… it’s still relevant.

…the best part of the evening
was the incredible light/fireworks/music show at the Princess
Castle.  It was an amazing, well orchestrated celebration of the
Disney princesses, and their supporting casts, with medlies the
classical music and laser and pictures shown on the walls of the Castle.

I realized while sitting in
front of that castle, lit up with the princess lights, sounds and
themes, that I still have that desire to be a princess, in a castle
with a Prince Charming.  Maybe that really never dies.  I was
standing beside my friends, but lost in my own dream world, singing
Disney princess songs and feeling the emotion of the music as would a
child.  It felt foolish, and yet okay, that I began to tear up,
with a great desire to run into the castle, dressed in a ballgown and
dance a waltz with a Prince who would love me forever!

Funny thing is, I missed Dad so
much then.  Maybe because it feels my princess days are behind me;
the only time I was one was when my dad was my hero king.  I was
his princess.  I know that now and I feel it when I look back and
remember.  I don’t know if I knew it then.

Someday my prince will come, of
that I am sure – God created me to desire that, and in that I can
rejoice.   So in the meantime, I grow in the knowledge 
that I am a daughter of the Most High King of Heaven, a Princess,
beloved to him, and desired by him.  That is enough.

But I will indeed one day wear a princess dress and waltz with my Prince Charming!!