An invitation from Jeff Long to stay in Manila as their ‘hospitality manager’ for their guest homes was very tempting. I know my calling for now, though and as much as the desire is there, I know I can’t do it. In the meantime though, I enjoyed envisioning projects and even seeing some come to fruition.

Jeff and Colene’s ministry, Kid’s International Minsitry (K.I.M.) has recently acquired a huge duplex, with 8 bedrooms, 7 full bathrooms, a kitchen, and open dining, living and family rooms in each half. The building sits right on the edge of the Quatro Slum, and across the street from the K.I.M Children’s home. It provides a place for teams to stay and have space and some amenities and yet be close enough to the slums to be deeply involved for the duration of their stay.

The building needs a little bit of work, painting and cleaning mostly and some repairs, though it is totally livable as is, and even considered a luxury to WRers.  They have a great staff of people working on repairs and the home should be looking pretty good by November at the rate they’re working. 🙂 I expressed how I would love to have a job just taking care of the hospitality stuff – making sure the rooms are clean, and have a welcoming feel, such as towels and soap on each bed, a candle in the rooms, a small welcome snack in the kitchen and water upon arrival. All the things that are wonderful to walk into as a short term team, but all things that take time and attention. Jeff jumped on that and reminded me repeatedly throughout the week of that offer!  Colene also manages quite a number of other houses and condos, as short term missionaries come in and out, and it would be a great pleasure and joy to work alongside her doing some of the more detail attention things that take more time.

Our team painted the three main rooms in the half in which we lived, yellow walls and then I painted a darker trim along the bottom. While the others went to take care of their shopping (I’m just not a shopper…don’t care for it much, and was glad to be alone), I worked on the trim. It was a relaxing day for me, just working on that project, with music and a couple of good conversations with Jeff and a friend of his, Leslie. We rearranged the furniture, changing the look of the house from ‘just moved in and unorganized’ to ‘homey’.  A little wall art and accenting colors will be wonderful, and some of the other rooms would love attention, but I believe that as God sends teams through, World Racers and others alike, that people will have ideas and visions that I have had and more that I have not, and will work on that place till it becomes more and more ‘home’ for people.

This week just confirmed again in my heart how much I enjoy the hospitality industry, whether a restaurant or lodging area.  I look forward to the time I can work on my own home and welcome travellers in with open arms, comfortable lodging, and good food.

I will continue to pray about going back and hopefully will be given the opportunity to return to Manila for some time in the future. I would love a friendship with the Longs and others in that great community of Faith Academy. Those 10 days were great, and the wonderful people who invited us to their homes for dinner every night are already missed.

Thank you Burdicks and Longs for your fantastic hospitality and friendship! You will not be forgotten!