Hello one and all!
We have left Nicaragua behind, with both tears and joy and have begun a new chapter of our journey here in Peru.  After a couple days of debriefing in Nicaragua, on the beach, with all 50 members, and AIM leadership, we gathered our things, and boarded our first plane for the year! 

Managua to Panama, over the Canal – what an amazing sight – then another flight into Lima, arriving about 11pm, Peru time.  We were greeted with many hugs and kisses from the members of the church here in Lima that stayed up until we arrived at 2am, to welcome us!  We settled into our sleeping bags all of the sanctuary floor for the night and got up for the RACE today. 

I can’t wait to tell all about the RACE when I have time on Monday, but it was the best ever!  We went all over Peru, visiting cultural places and doing physical activites, eating new foods!  NESSA was the first to finish time wise, but ZEO won on a technicality – which is cool for us I guess, but funny thing is – we were rooting for NESSA!


initely the most fun, adventurous and enjoyable RACE leg to date!

After a day of orientation to Peru tomorrow, Squad B will be leaving Squad A here in Lima, and heading up into the mountains, a 10 hour bus ride overnight, where we will be for the duration of our ministry.  I absolutely love the city of Lima (cities in general have a very special place in my heart), and would love to be here longer, but I am definitely excited for the adventures in the mountains.  It´s going to be colder- quite a change. 

Please pray for safe travel for all of our teams as well as for Sarah, who is still in the states, scheduled to return on Tuesday morning.  We miss her terribly, and can’t wait to see her!