I will sooner come back to Buenos AiresI think than anywhere yet. I feel so at home here. Our ministry was short, but busy and good. We connected well with the family with whom we worked, a wonderful missions minded pastor’s family. I definitely found it harder to say goodbye to them after three days than to anyone in Peru after a month. (Except our translators!)
The people here are nearly as varied in appearance as in the states, and we were never called ‘gringos’ here, because many of the native Argentinians are as white as us, with blonde hair and blue eyes too! It was a suprise, I guess to me – I am learning so much about the regions of the world and the people in them. People would ask us if we were from Brazil when we spoke Spanish, and many people spoke English as well, so communication wasn’t too difficult.
We took city transportation – city buses to and from our ministry sites, and the subway to our time off sites. I love it all! It certainly was an adventure, not knowing exactly where we were going and not totally being able to read the signs, or not having the loose change for the buses in time, or knowing how the system works. But I love all the adventures of the city. Thankfully for some of the bus rides, the pastor’s son and daughter in law came and picked us up so they could show us the way back home.
Fedrico andFlor, Andres, Cyndy and baby Nataniel, Flor, David and Daniel will all be missed and in our prayers as we leave Buenos Aires.