Our team’s first service was last night, and the other teams have had a couple cell group meetings already.  It’s so awesome to see God working like he is.  Our local partner here, Noé, has a vision to show Christian movies on the side of his house to anyone who will come and then share the gospel.  We walked around yesterday for a couple hours inviting people to come.  A few people came on time, but many wandered in as they passed by and saw the movie on the wall. 

Eric got up and shared the Gospel when the movie was done and invited people to accept Jesus into their lives.  I believe two people rededicated their lives to Christ and one guy that we have played basketball with accepted Christ!  They will all be back to the services on Sunday, and in the coming weeks, so we will continue to build relationships with them, as we plug them into Noé’s ministry.

Today we are going to have a children’s ministry time, probably mostly playing fútbal, depending on the ages of those that show up.  Tomorrow at 3pm we are doing the same thing.  I am looking forward to all the opportunities we will have with the kids. 

Team NESSA and REVOLUTION are working with Nestor and Selena’s church, El Olivo, and the cell groups associated with it.   They have seen healings, savations and deliverances already in the first 3 meetings!  SWEET.  Teams ZEO and AGAPETOS were able to be a part of Wednesday service, and I held babies outside with a few others while lifting it all up in prayer. 

There are a couple kids who come to our little camp set up every day and are teaching me some Spanish, they are so precious!!

  Mari, Jessica, Nataél.