My blogs are simply my thoughts.  I am learning and sharing what courses through my brain and heart with all who read.  I don’t write to teach others what I have mastered, but rather simply to share what God is challenging me in.   My desire is not to ever come across as one who knows what she is talking about, but only as one who is learning.  Thanks for taking part in my journey!

How do I know that God is speaking to me?  I think that for bigger decisions, a peace in my heart and soul indicates that I am hearing.  On a daily basis, it’s simple conversation, and simple faith. (I’m learning to be more simple.)

I could doubt my conversations with God are real, as I’ve certainly done, writing them off as talking to myself, but why doubt?  I ask the Holy Spirit to communicate with me, and I choose to open my ears and quiet my mind and listen.  I believe and trust it is Him.  I have no reason to doubt Him, though I could argue I only distrust myself.

But I know.  If I spent all my time doubting that I was hearing God, I would never believe and never act out of obedience.  The book of James says that when you ask, you must also believe and not doubt, so since I asked, I better be believing!

The Holy Spirit speaks words of conviction, encouragement, challenge and love.  Even at the end of hard conversations with Him when I’ve shed my tears and argued before surrender, I come away uplifted and encouraged in spirit.

It’s simple childlike faith, really.  Just believe.  When you think you hear him, believe it, and build your faith.  If your heart is seeking after Him, and you have asked to hear Him, you can’t really go wrong.  If you hear wrong, He will correct you with gentle grace.