Well, after some of the most fullfilling and amazing experiences packed into the fastest 3 weeks of my life, I am all too soon leaving the beautiful country of Mozambique.   I haven’t much time to blog right now, and would like to take time to post a great blog, but I for sure want to let you all know that we are doing great. 

We have had some crazy travel, (picture 25 people and all the gear in the back of an open flatbed truck for 12 hours.  Twice.), we have delivered food to flood relief camps, seen people come to know Jesus by the hundreds, and as many people healed from diseases, from chest pain and headaches, to blind eyes being opened!!  We added 3 more people to our wonderful family for the 2 weeks there – a young woman from Canada – Tamara, a missionary man from South Africa – Will, and our fearless leader, Herb, who challenged us to fall more in love with Jesus, and pursue ALL that HE has to offer us with our whole hearts.

We all learned so much in these last couple weeks, our faith has grown in leaps and bounds, and personally, this was the best time for me so far.  I have so many stories and will start sorting them out in Swazi, and blog from there.  That’s what debrief is for, right!?

Here are a few pictures to share….

 Boys at the orphanage in Morrumbala – IRIS ministries.

 Kids tend to fall asleep on me…  I love it.

 The girls, and some of the boys, LOVED to braid our hair!

  Dancing at an outreach!

 Riding to church in the Land Rover, view from the front…

 View from the back!! That’s Herb, up front, driving.  I don’t have a picture of the rest of the Racers who where packed into a flatbed truck with locals – nearly 70 people total!!!

 Sitting at an outreach at a flood relief camp outside of Morumbala, Mozambique.