I have had such a wonderful day with Jesus!  And it was so relaxing.  To start with, it is an absolutely perfect day today!!!  Not hot, cool breeze, warm sun – doesn’t get better than this!   I slept in this morning, then drove to the office to work online, and finish some small projects.  I then went to  a park, which sits on part of Lake Lanier (well, actually all the parks sit on some part of Lanier – check out a map of this crazy lake!!).  I began reading some of my required reading for Race preparations.  Then I took and hour and devoted it to prayer for my team.  Today is a day of prayer for both teams A and B, and we (B) are having a conference call in a few minutes (6pmEST) to pray together.    I sat by the lake, listening to the water roll onto the muddy, rocky red beach, and couln’t help but be in awe of God’s creation.  This is the first day I have taken to relax, be quiet and just be alone in a long time.   After my hour of devoted prayer, I sat on the curb by my car and read another required book – Fields of the Fatherless.  It’s so nice to just rest and be with Jesus.  I can’t believe I forget to make time for this more often!!

I have spent a good deal more time in prayer in the last week than I do normally – something for which I am really happy.  Its intersting to me how easily I lose perspective on life – that I get so caught up in ‘getting caught up’ with my life that I don’t priortize being with my Father.  I have refocused and prioritzed in the last couple days due to some decisions I know I couldn’t make without Him.  I pray that as I continue to grow I will learn to go to Him earnestly more often than I am used to.  I sought God out, in quiet and in fasting over the last couple days – even in the midst of work, and my other work, and moving – and asked Him to answer some questions and to direct me in specific things.  He answered. 🙂  Of course.  I didn’t doubt he would – that He would speak to me – I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to hear him, because my mind is so filled with other noises.  When I expressed this fear to Him, He told me to just be quiet and stop the intake of ‘other noises’.  I did, and I heard him speak.  I am so grateful that my Father desires to be in such close relationship with me that we can speak with one another. 

I am super excited about this community prayer call tonight.  It will be the first time I have spoken with anyone since training.  I should call my teammates, but again, I think I have mis-prioritized this aspect too.  God is doing some incrediable things in all of the Racer’s lives right now, and it’s so exciting to be a part of a people who pray, and then fully expect God to answer!!   Have I mentioned I’m excited about this upcoming year?!?!?