I realized after posting the last blogs, and some thought, that they are somewhat vague and slightly unorganized.  Thanks to Greg who pointed out in my comments that I didn’t exactly tell you all what happened in Mozambique!  Ha… okay, I will get to that, but not today.  So much has happened, and so many thoughts are
still zipping through my brain and heart without order, so my thinking comes out random.  So, I will explain in more detail when I have a chance – soon I hope.

But for now, ZEO is off to Gordon’s Bay, South Africa, just outside of Capetown to work with a couple we met here at debrief.  We will be doing mostly ATL (Ask The Lord) ministry – a lot of prayer asking what He is doing and where He wants us to go.  Tom and Cindy’s hearts are to really BE ministry, more than DO – by building relationships, meeting people in everyday life, and living life with them.   We will likely spend a couple weeks there, and then head out somewhere new – location unknown at this point.  Our adventure begins about 10:30am (an hour from now).  This was short notice, we found out and decided about 4pm last night.  God opened the door wide, providing a free ride all the way to Jeffery’s Bay, and possibly into Gordon’s Bay. 

ZEO is going alone, and traveling alone.  This is actually the first time we will have done any significant traveling alone.  Maybe any at all…  We are excited for the adventures that lie ahead.  I am excited for the discipleship in prayer that we will receive and the new friends we will make.  Funny connection note: Tom and Cindy were youth pastors in Des Moines for 7 years, on Beaver and Hickman, but left in 1991, so really before my time.  It’s fun to meet people who have been in DSM though!!

Thank you so much for your continued prayers for me and my team as well as the rest of the Racers.  We do this thing with you by your prayers.  Please pray for safety today as we travel to J-Bay, then onward to Capetown.  Also, for clear direction from the Lord in the coming weeks.  Pray for the ears of our hearts to be open to hear the Lord’s voice, and for quick obedience, and that we would learn and experience all God has for us there.