Well, it’s Monday morning, and I’m back to work.  The couple teams that have been here since Wednesday (Real Life teams to India and Swaziland) are leaving this morning, and then the office will be back to normal.  We will all begin today the washing away of the mud and mess left by such goings on of the last 3 weeks, literally and figuratively.  There has been so much transition of people on the World Race, people dropping, adding, changing teams, etc… and we all have so much that needs to get done and organized – it’s going to take a couple hours to get straightened out.  We have a 10am meeting today to talk about goals for this week and to pray together.  That’ll be great. 

   I woke up energized today, and ‘chipper’ as my friend Hanna said this morning.  I am aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life today, in a more tangible way than sometimes, and that is a wonderful thing.  I can look at all I have to do and either be overwhelmed or excited.  I choose to be excited.  And to trust God to be faithful in provision for me.  I am praying for several things; someone to help me with time management (Serena’s great!), someone to help me start physical training for the Race, someone to show me what all I need as far as equipment, and then I need the provision of that equipment.  I know that I will need good sandals, (Chacos), maybe some shoes (?), a new tent and sleeping bag , and a backpack that will hold all I need for the year.  Having never done this outdoors stuff as much as I always wished (Iowa doesn’t provide as much opportunity as, say… Colorado!), I have a lot to learn about it all.  I am excited though – really excited, about learning all this and getting ready.