Well, it seems my blogging has slowed and will only slow as the end of the race draws closer. It is sounding as though once in our last country, for safety purposes, we are going to be under a ‘communications blackout’, as all internet is monitored by the government. All the Racers will have no access to internet for the duration of our stay, though updates will be posted on the prayer site (http://www.prayers.theworldrace.org/) so that you can continue to know we are doing well. We are debriefing from November 11th through the 19th – our departure day, and will hopefully be able to post an update during those days.

While we are out, we ask for your continued prayer support for protection for each of us from all the schemes of the one opposed to us.

Pray that I, and all the Racers, finish this last leg with excitement, energy, and the Joy of the Lord, even though most of us are ready to get home, filled with anticipation and nerves about the next phase of life.

Please pray that we would hold these things in balance – our here and now, and the futures that lie ahead when we return home. Pray for guidance and wisdom as we make our decisions, and also for grace and support as we enter back into the States and face ‘reverse culture shock.’

I can’t begin to express my thanks to all of you who have supported me throughout this last year, and the previous year in New Orleans as well. Many of you I will see soon after I return home, and many not for a long time, if ever again, but none of you are forgotten. I will update from debrief, I hope, and certainly from the states, once I am back. I pray God’s richest blessings on everyone who has taken the time to be a part of my journey, of all the racers journey, as we together seek to build the only enduring Kingdom.