Here are a few pictures of last week…Enjoy!

Our home in Mancos – the building is no longer a church, but still carries the sign.  Girls lived in through the door on the right and guys on the left.

  Amy and Eduardo sharing the Gospel with kids after a soccer game.  Several accepted Jesus that day.

  This is the view outside our door each morning!

  I am an adventurous soul in the Andes Mountains!!

  The street we lived on, on the way into the town square.

  Each night, we walked about 10 or 15 minutes to church, up this street in the pouring rain.  This picture shows the road in GOOD shape – each day brought more piles of dirt on each side of the ever widening ditch.  They were replacing the water lines.  At night, during the rain, the ditch would be a rushing river and the sides were mud hills we traversed with great skill!! 

  Eduardo and James assisted the pastor and his son digging their personal waterline ditch.  Both came out with blisters on their hands – signs of manual labor!!  Go boys!

  Huascaran Peaks over Mancos town square.  Musho is actually right at the base of these mountains.

  Gorgeous!!  Does it get more beautiful than this? Possibly… I will see throughout the year!

AND… some pictures from Musho, week one.


  Kids in Tumpa – children LOVE to have their pictures taken so they can look at them on the digital screen.  After I took this picture, I was litteraly tackled by ALL the kids at once to look!  Quite fun…

  This is our dining room/kitchen in Musho.  Huascaran towers right behind this, but isn’t captured here.