It has finally slowed down around here. The last of the extended family left this morning, my siblings are all back at school, my parents at work, and from now on the visits of my sister, nephew and niece will decrease to more reasonable number of times a week.  Now, I suppose, I risk becoming lonely. ๐Ÿ™‚
I had the pleasure of watching the little ones while Anne was out for a couple hours, so while Aidan slept, Juli and I cuddled in a rocking chair watching the Roger’s and Hammerstein’s version of Cinderella with Whitney Houston, and Brandi. When Mom came home for lunch, she pointed out that it had started snowing and was accumulating quickly, a change outside I had missed while cuddling with Juli.

It’s such a beautiful, perfectly falling snow. Big flakes drifting
straight down, no wind, no storm, just gently falling snow. I haven’t
seen snow like this is quite a while. I’m fascinated by the beauty of
creation, and the Hands of the Creator!

Supposedly the snow will fall just so perfectly until the ground is buried under about 3 inches of lovely white attire, begging to be played in.

Here are some pictures from my brother’s wedding this weekend.  I love being with my family again, celebrating life, and simply enjoying one another.  I am so blessed to have seen ALL of my extended family except for one uncle and a few cousins within the 2 weeks that I have been back in the States.   It’s really quite a feat considering my parents are each the 2nd of 4 children in their families!  We love getting together, and are always so grateful for occasions such as weddings to bring us all to the same place.  I love you all!!!

Mike and Erin saying their vows, Greg Smith officiating.
My youngest sibling, Dan, and my nephew Aidan just hanging out.
This is 6 of the 7 Gibson kids: Me, Karyssa (16), Mike (23), Hannah (18), Dan (14), and Heidi (20).
And this is the oldest sister, Anne, the wonderful mother of my neice and nephew and ….another…. ๐Ÿ™‚
  My parents!!!  (Nice Smile Dad!!!)
  Julianna, with my aunt, Janise.
I agree with Mom – it’s valuable to learn to dance properly, and Dan was a willing learner.
Heidi and her man, Jacob, just sitting looking good….and matching… ๐Ÿ™‚
  Night of the rehearsal dinner – Hannah’s great photography of Karyssa and Heidi.

I love my family!!! 
So now I start working on my own projects, not related to the wedding and visiting family, but rather sorting a year of  WR pictures and organizing some thoughts to share with a small group on Sunday.
I begin a temporary (to the end of the holiday season) job at Starbucks on Saturday, then will be jumping back into waiting tables at the amazing restaurant I worked at previously (2 years ago).  I am really looking forward to a routine of sorts and being with more people again.  I love those jobs because of the interactions I have with all kinds of people.  It’s going to be a great year end!