After a week living in Musho with all of Squad B and our five translators, ZEO headed 30 minutes down the mountain to a larger town, Mancos, where we will be working to bring restoration and reconciliation to the church there.  Eduardo and Erika are our translators for the week and Ed McQueen will also be spending most of the week working with us.

We have our work cut out for us here, as the leadership of the church is not in unity at present.  The church hadn’t been meeting in a couple of years, until Ed came in January and began this process.  We will be working alongside the two primary leaders, visiting former members of the church and inviting them to return and begin meeting again.  We will have home visits every morning this week, children’s ministry in the afternoons, and a service each night, though each will look different.

We are in the neighboring town of Yungay for internet this afternoon, but will hold the first service tonight, where we will introduce ourselves, Amy and I will lead worship, and James is preaching a message on perseverence.  Tomorrow night, I will be preaching on unity and then Thursday evening I will be leading worship for the womens meeting.  We will also be holding an open air outreach in Mancos on Friday night, where we will perform our dramas, and a youth gathering on Saturday night.  As I said, it will certainly be a busy week, but one I am definitely looking forward to. 

The gathering church members only number about 10 or 15 right now, but we are praying that God moves in hearts to bring about humble reconciliation and forgiveness among these believers.  Join us in prayer that we would be humble servants, walking in God’s vision for them.