I’m having a hard time organizing my thoughts so forgive me if this seems like a bit of a ramble, sometimes you just gotta roll with it, you know?

These first couple weeks on the race have been harder and better and more unexpected than I ever thought possible, let me explain. Getting adjusted with a new home, living in community with 33 other people, and getting rid of expectations I had placed on ministry have been challenges but also these challenges are areas that I see Jesus at work in and I see as areas of growth. My team has grown in intimacy with one another and stepped into vulnerability little by little which is a huge praise. It has been beautiful to watch our relationships with one another unfold and to see us push each other up to resemble Christ more and more. We live in a mountain town, our backdrop seriously looks fake sometimes and I’m itching for a day to climb one and be even more enamored by the beauty of it all. The Lord has been calling me to deeper places with Him as I work on surrendering the flawed parts of my heart and look to Him for refinement.

A journal entry:

“The more I love you the more you pursue me with your relentless love. Oh God, I adore you. You have made me for yourself alone. I exist for you.” –100 Days in the Secret Place

“Lord. Papa. My Good Father. Please look into my heart and speak into my selfishness. Refine those parts of my heart. I solely exist for you. Nothing else matters. You require me to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with you–not my friends, not with my team but with YOU. Help me to remember that when my relationship with you is right, that’s what will overflow into my relationships with others. I love you. Thank you for reminding me of what you did on the cross. Your sacrifice was to cover my sins–by grace alone.

I want to thank you for being an accessible God. One we can call upon and know you’re listening. Thank you that when the veil was torn the law was fulfilled and there was no longer any separation. Than you for your beautiful Spirit that is inside of each person and all around us.”


Thank you for listening to my ramble; life is good and life is hard and we’re taking it a day a time. I continue seeing the Lord’s abundant faithfulness in every situation and I’m excited to see that continue in the days and weeks and months to come. One exciting ANNOUNCEMENT is that WE’RE GOING TO HAITI next month. Which we weren’t sure was going to happen but it’s happening and we’re looking forward to seeing the Lord show up there in unexplainable ways.

Please subscribe to my team’s blogs to read more about everything. My teammate Christian also has a Youtube channel (click here) where you may be able to catch some glimpses of me and actually visualize what life is like here in Dominican Republic so be sure to subscribe to that as well. OKAY for real, I hope you all have a beautiful day and get a glimpse of God’s faithfulness in a really special way.