For the last 3 years, the Lord has placed a word on my heart at the beginning of each year. This word is more or less a theme for my year. It is something the Lord challenges me with, comforts me with and excites me with. Last year it was ‘hope’ and boy did I wrestle with what that meant. Understanding the phrase ‘living hope’ and understanding what having hope in the midst of suffering looks like, both of which Peter and Paul both write about (you can also read my first blog post for how ‘hope’ played out in my year). The year before that the Lord was teaching me how to live a life full of JOY. He has been so faithful with producing these words and teaching me what they mean to their full extent. 

This year, the word the Lord has placed on my heart it is surrender.


That word is a little bit intimidating.

What is the Lord going to ask me to give up?

Something that seems obvious is surrendering the comforts of my home, my family & my community come August. I have already been in prayer about this transition because I know it is going to be a hard one for me. I’ve never really lived away from home and the longest I’ve been away is the four weeks I spent in Scotland. A year away from family might not seem like much for some but for me that is a big deal and will be challenging. 

When I think of surrender Jesus comes to mind immediately. There is no better picture of surrender than the example of Jesus.

Philippians 2:6-8

Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, he gave up his divine privileges; he took the humble position of a slave and was born as a human being.When he appeared in human form, he humbled himself in obedience to God and died a criminal’s death on a cross.

Jesus gave up his spot at the right hand of God to come down to earth, be born as a baby, and live life on Earth as a man. He become fully man while still remaining fully God. He experienced human emotions and human temptations but never committed a sin. We have a Savior that can fully identify with the struggles of the human experience. He experienced hunger and thirst and marvel and sorrow.

He knows.

He understands.

He also asked his Father to take away the suffering he would endure (Luke 22:42) but he knew that the surrender of his life would lead to the option of eternal life for all who call upon the name of the Lord.

So maybe I won’t be called to lay my life down (or maybe I will) but I am, currently, trying to practice surrender in my everyday life. My prayer is for a heart of surrender, giving up any selfish desires and inviting in my Redeemer in to mold me and make me new. I’m excited to see how else this word rings true this year. You can bet I will keep you all updated!