…knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; those who seek find, and to those who knock, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8
I’m knocking, Lord! And faithfully counting on your promises.
No long, thoughtful blog this week. Life in Dondo is moving right along, but my update on Jo-keen is, well, he died. Only hours after we left the hospital. And another gentleman that our translator believes was deep in witchcraft also withered and died last Thursday after we prayed for him.
I really hate that people die from spiritual warfare…I mean I REALLY hate it. As if Mozambiquans don’t have enough issues with malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis…you add invisible forces that attack and kill.
Whatever. I’m still honored we were able to pray for those people and were the last people they saw on earth. That means something to me. Satan planned for those people to die alone and in despair, instead they died with a few family members and a whole slew of Christians around them who fought for their salvation and gave them the option to pray to God, which both men did. I know that stuff is in the Book of Life. I trust Him, I really do. It’s just unfortunate. But, I mean, the other people we prayed for were released over the weekend, as far as I could tell — so that is great!
Mozambique and more specifically, that hospital need an abundance of joy. You walk in and ZAP!, the joy goes right on out of you. Either you die soon after you’re admitted to the hospital or you somehow pull through with the limited healthcare. At least for another week, my teammates and I can light that place up, just pray that the joy is there in each of us.