Sometimes I realize my world race if halfway over, and that I haven't spoken the words, “I want to go home.”

Sometimes you wake up to the sound of a rooster crowing. At 3:45am.

Sometimes I miss holding my nephew.

Sometimes you aren't sure what exactly you're eating. But, that's okay.

Sometimes I look around me and soak in the sights, sounds, and smells.

Sometimes you show up ready to do manual labor as your ministry… and no one's there.

Sometimes I still struggle with comparing myself to others. 

Sometimes you live in a village where no one speaks English. There's a lot of gesturing and giggling.

Sometimes I spend a month craving poptarts and goldfish and boom I walk into a grocery store the next month and they have BOTH. I did a happy dance. 

Sometimes you spend hours picking lice out of your friend's hair and you don't even mind because it always brings honest heart to heart conversations.

Sometimes I ask God some really serious questions.

Sometimes God gives me really hard answers.

Sometimes you feel intimidated by your squad-mates only to discover they are the most genuine and gentle people you'll ever meet.

Sometimes I pride myself in being really adaptable with living situations. (squatty potty? no. big. deal.)

Sometimes you throw up in awkward places.

Sometimes I throw my hands in the air in awe over my life.

Sometimes you walk to 711 just to stand in air-conditioning for 10 minutes.

Sometimes I despise hand-washing my laundry.

Sometimes you worship on a roof. Or in a church. Or in a coffee shop. Or on the beach. Or in a bus.

Sometimes I wonder if my Meyers-Brigg personality has changed and then I realize I don't really care.

Sometimes you learn to walk in new spiritual gifts.

Sometimes I cry because I miss the kids I fell in love with during the last few months.

Sometimes you just want to be alone. Completely alone.

Sometimes I wear mismatched clothing, and I don't care.

Sometimes you have better intentions than follow through when it comes to blogging.

Sometimes I sigh when I realize I've really been living in Africa and Asia for the last 6 months.

Sometimes you absolutely adore your contact and your ministry.

Sometimes I feel completely peaceful.

Sometimes you care so deeply for your friends that your heart literally hurts when you think about them hurting.

Sometimes I pray bold prayers.

Sometimes you travel for days-on-end.

Sometimes I want to be at a water park more than anywhere else.

Sometimes your whole day is made when you serve someone else selflessly.

Sometimes I cringe when I think about where my life could be headed if I was in control of it.

Sometimes you watch the sunset.

Sometimes I read world race blogs and forget that I have one too.

Sometimes you receive an anonymous note and it changes your day.

Sometimes I realize how wealthy I am compared to the majority of the world and it almost paralyzes me.

Sometimes you find yourself writing words of truth onto your hand with a sharpie just to let it soak into your head and your heart.

Sometimes I long to be in my comfortable bed.

Sometimes you lose your sleeping bag, bug net, the only dress you have on the race with you, and a 6 year old t-shirt and you want to cry.

Sometimes I HATE mosquitos more than anything else on this planet.

Sometimes God teaches you through the smallest encounters.

Sometimes you have to let go of things, people, attitudes and fears and it's scary but so worth it.

Sometimes I struggle with judging.

Sometimes you find you can't have a conversation without including WR lingo like, "process" "press in" "feedback" "hash out" "grieve" or "ATL: ask the Lord." 

Sometimes I read really good books like "Love Does" by Bob Goff and "Greater" by Steven Furtick.

Sometimes you really want ice in your drink.

Sometimes I forget what it feels like to drive a car…alone…with my music playing…on the right side of the road…

Sometimes you read the same scripture several times before it begins to sink in.

Sometimes I have to choose passion over apathy.

Sometimes you have to say goodbye before you're ready to.

Sometimes I get to do fun things like ride elephants, explore, dance, release lanterns and go white water rafting with people I love.

Sometimes you need a reminder of how the world doesn't revolve around you.

Sometimes I realize how blessed I am to have grown up in a home and church filled with Godly examples.

Sometimes you forget what it's like to work a 9 to 5 job.

Sometimes God takes broken people on a race that looks completely different than what they're expecting, He blows their comfort zones out of the water, and knocks their boxes completely over and replaces it with His truth, His passion and His Spirit and all you can do is try to put your experiences into words to encourage others to TRUST Him with all that they have.