Lately, I have been feeling discouraged about support raising. I’ve sent out letters. I’m sent emails. I’ve called people. I have been doing everything that I have been able to do.

And there, I believe, lies the problem.

Everything that I’ve been trying to do, I’VE been trying to do. I haven’t been relying on the Lord. I haven’t been spending consistent time with Him. I haven’t been seeking Him through all of this, praising Him for the ups and the downs.

But today, I fasted. I woke up this morning, and so wanted a bowl of cereal. But instead I spent time with the Lord. And the Lord is faithful. I gave up my wants and what I define as needs, and sought Him. And the Lord provided. Today my support doubled. Today I had the best time ever at my new job. Today I feel happy, I feel joy, I feel fulfilled. And you want to know the best part? Today isn’t over yet.

I still have a long way to go support raising. But today I saw a glimpse of what is possible when I rely on the Lord’s strength rather than my own. I wish this was a lesson that I would remember forever, but I’m sure that I’ll forget, and probably soon. But I have today to look back on and remember. I have today to remind myself that the Lord is faithful.

Matthew 9:36-38

If you want to support me, you can do that online through as well as mailing in checks.