So, honesty time. This is very much a copout blog. I know I haven’ blogged in FOREVER, so I took the easiest out. BUT, I thought that you guys would actually be interested too! So, here we go- a look into the life of Alison Scott for the month of February!

7:30 am- Wake up

8ish- Breakfast

8:30ish- quiet time/get ready for the day

10 am- 12 pm- Intercession at church

–          Worship for 30-40 minutes

–          Pray for local, regional, and international needs

–          Lift up needs among the group

–          Hear more about the ministry that Hope Church does

1 pm- 6pm- Ministry

–          Work at Hope Church

–          Visit neighboring town where a church is being set up

  • Help with kids program
  • Share at church service
  • Walk around sharing with people
  • Help clean the building

–          Work on brochures advertising ministries available to partner with

–          Watch the children of the missionaries there so that they could get things done

7ish- Dinner

8ish- Team time/feedback

9ish- Hang out, play games

10ish- Go to sleep