Today we start our new ministry in Ukraine – but in case you think I’ve had any down time, let me assure you it’s been busy and awesome.  I’ll talk about ministry later – here are some sweet pics of my past 3 days.

So, I said goodbye to my babies at El Shaddai.  These girls are so special to me.  I love them dearly.

I also said goodbye to this beautiful country.  I know I’m going to miss waking up to the beautiful mountains of Swazi.

Then…that’s right ladies and gents.  Ran into Hasselhoff in the Jo-burg airport.  No big deal you guys!  Jeez, quit asking me about it!  David is, like, really cool.  Super hot for an old dude.  I guess some beach bodies are eternal…

Then I purchased a visa in our layover city of Instanbul!  Me and a couple friends from U-squad spent the day doing Turkish things.

What you have here is me enjoying a Turkish Delight in Turkey, and also enjoying a real Turkish Coffee, yet again in Turkey.  Blows your mind, right? 

And here, I am feeding the pigeons in the town square.

Well, we made it to Lugansk, Ukraine and our awesome contact took us to a bazaar first thing.  Here is a scary meat market with huge women and huge cleavers.

Naturally, we befriended the local Russian street food guy.  His sandwiches were a revelation.

We also visited statues of communist heroes.

Yeah baby!  Radiant Change in Europe!