What a ride!  At the closing of my third and final week in Australia, my whole squad has met up in Darwin.  We move out to Malaysia in a few days and I am surprisingly excited to head back to Asia!  I did not think I’d like Asia as much as I do, but I miss the culture of honor, respect, and most importantly the CHEAP food and clothes!  🙂  Australia has been so good to me though.  God really showed me a thing or two about his provision and his constant hand in my daily life.  I relied on him and talked to him more this month than ever.  With my baptism, the bugs, rashes and lice, I was constantly communing with him and asking him to reveal a greater plan or at least give me peace and he did.  A funny side story for our team was when we decided to pray weekly for food multiplication because our food budget was so tight this month.  God fed us so well by sending people who had too much, so they gave it to us, or we would visit a community and have dinner provided and the funniest provision being that just like when Jesus fed the masses, we literally had bread and fish left over this week from the extra loaves we bought and didn’t use and the extra tuna cans we never had to get into!  It’s funny when the Bible comes to life like that!

Our last team outing in Australia 🙂

Our last week in Australia was spent working at the Woolaning Homeland Christian College.  This school is fully funded by the Australian government and offers excellent education for the Aboriginal youth in the area.  The kids are able to leave their high risk family situations and come to the school to receive education and live in a communal setting with House Parents.  It’s a very organized place, and the kids are the number one priority.  They start off their days with a devotion in the Bible, then move on to scholastic studies, break for lunch and are done by 3.  The campus has lots of open space for sports and it’s minutes from gorgeous waterfalls and other activities.

For the first three days we were there we helped clean around the school. The staff is so busy looking after the kids that a lot of their houses needed special treatment, so we cleaned the blinds and power washed the walkways. The last two days we went on a camping trip and enjoyed a boat tour of Katherine Gorge, hiking, sing-alongs and genuine fellowship.   Besides the monsoon rain, our trip was fantastic and I really enjoyed spending time with these kids.  You can join me in prayer for them that they continue down this structured path and do not fall into the generational sin of their families..alcoholism, suicide, depression, shame…all be gone in Jesus’ name!

Courtney and I with our house parent Marlena.  Wonderful cook and has ice cream for the kids every night at 8pm!

Wangi Falls with some of the girls.  Check out the rainbow!

Feeding a wallaby at the camping excursion.  A total Aussie experience!

The Woolaning boys heading off for the boat tour.

A picture from the top of the gorge.  The hike was beautiful.

Sing along!  The boys love to play guitar and sing.

Quinton and I singing worship.

Thanks for the continued support!  Please keep me in your prayers for uneventful travel into Malaysia – and a special thanks again to the financial supporters!  I only have $1,000 left to raise!