After some intense "spiritual" training (see past couple blogs I got mugged! & Terrified of the Flava Flame Bus), God spoke the word "REST" over me. He said it is time to learn about rest, and what better way than to do that very thing…rest. 

Ok so…what, what does that look like on a mission trip? I stay home from ministry and sit on the couch we were blessed with for the month? No, obviously it did not mean that. The Lord told me to rest physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Physically – This doesn't mean not going to ministry. However; we didn't have all that much ministry, it was naturally a restful month as far as that goes. Some door to door evangelism, some teaching English, and some preaching. Not to strenuous. 

Emotionally – If you've read my past blogs, this ones kinda self explanatory.
Mentally – The past nine months, I don't think my brain has stopped thinking as I've grown closer to the Lord and have seen more and more of His glory.

Well that goes right along with spiritually…actually, physically & emotionally do also. 

Spiritually – Let me explain. I have been learning such an insane amount of things from the Lord all Race so far. He has stretched me, He has taught me, He has grown me, He has given me confidence, He has refined my indentity in Him. Rest, doesn't mean that this stops…this is what the Lord spoke to me:

"You will be most glorified in Me when you are simply in my presence. 
Don't worry about whether or not you hear Me correctly.
Don't worry about 'Am I doing this right.'
Just sit in my presence, because when you sit in my presence,
your heart will be captivated by My love,
and you, My love, will be My love to all you meet. 

"So don't worry about what the details,
just sit in my presence and be captivated by My love." 

When we set all things aside and just be with the Lord, all stress (physical, emotional, mental) will no longer hold any significance in light of resting in our Fathers arms. Therefore rest. Yes, rest once a week. But also daily, simply put your heart to rest in the Father's arms and know God has complete control.

Hibernate (verb) – sleep over winter, escape, withdraw, retreat

Hibernate with the Lord. When life is too hard, when stress takes over, when life is busy and there is no time to rest. Remember: hibernate with the Lord. Maybe not over winter, but stop and lie down in His presence, escape your busy life to His presence, withdraw/retreat into Him presence.
There you will find rest, in your Father's arms.