I am not done here, this race is not over. I have 6 months left to go. I have a countless number of broken, lost, lonely, homeless, orphans, widows, naked, and hunger to love.
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me so far, both with finances and through your prayers. I mean it! You really have no idea how much it means to me! You have answered a call from the Lord to bring Kingdom to the nations. You have had faith that your donation will bring glory to His Kingdom…and it has!!
Take a look at some faces, which God used your faithfulness, to love:
And I am not far away from my final deadline at all, but I still need some more support.
I only have $762.66 left to raise!!!
Please consider donating even the smallest amount. Even $3 is enough to cover food for a day! The Lord has called me here and He will provide the money regardless. However, God calls us to be the body of Christ so that He can bless us in ways we can't understand. So, I would love for you to walk alongside the Lord and me on this journey to bring Kingdom to the nations.
Like I said, I only have $762.66 left to raise by December 31st, however some of my teammates have a ways to go. Please consider supporting them. They are my brothers and sisters (they are your brothers and sisters in Christ for that matter) and they have become my family. And our
Please, trust in the Lord, and take part of this incredible Kingdom Journey by donating to my team. Just click on their name and it will take you to their blog. There is a link on the left hand side that says “Support Me” just click on that and follow the directions!
Michael needs $3,000
Layne needs $1,800
Toni and Jeremy (married) need $1,500