One of our squad leaders, Joel, had a big challenge for the squad at the end the month in Thailand (month 3).  The Lord had been teaching him about giving it all up to God – asking God to reveal any hidden sin, or anything that the world may deem “good” but that stands in the way of your relationship with the Lord. He was learning about things in our lives that are not necessarily evil, but are worthless. 
When we all asked the Lord to reveal these things, the Lord spoke.
The first thing that popped into my mind was that I should get rid of my make-up. Not that I have to, but that it would be a good idea. 
I tried to rationalize it and say that it was probably just something that popped into my head. But then I remembered that when something pops into your head that would take you out of your comfort zone and it makes you squirm a little, it’s probably from God.
After a couple of battles in my mind, I decided to say, “Yes.”
And a couple of days after I gave my make-up away, I wrote this to the Lord.

Make-up seems like a silly thing to need to give up, but I definitely see where it’s an issue.  I really do feel pretty ugly without it, and I hate feeling like I can look so much better if I use it.  I know that abandoning things of this world leads to brokenness, which then leads to dependence on You alone. And anything is worth that. 
I know this isn’t forever, and I do see the learning opportunity in it.  You have a reason for all You do, and I totally trust You. I want to feel beautiful because you make me beautiful, not because of some product I buy.  I know you made me exactly how you want me, and I shouldn’t feel like I have to alter that to feel beautiful.
In any area I don’t fully trust You, please increase my faith.  And if there’s anything else you want me to surrender to you, please tell me.  I don’t want to let anything get in the way of Your great plans for me.  Nothing I hold on to could ever be worth that.

I went through the entire month of Malaysia wearing absolutely no make-up. No foundation. No mascara. Nothing. And it hurt!  I cringed every time I looked in the mirror, at least for the first couple of weeks. And the fact that it was so hard reveals more of why it was necessary.
The world taught me at a young age that my appearance determines my worth.  If I look beautiful, I am worthy of love and acceptance.  If I look unattractive, I am worthless.
It hurts me to look at my past self and see this worldview, and it hurts even more to know that so many girls and women are trapped in it.  And it’s a complete lie from the enemy.
The Lord says that I am his beautiful creation and he delights in me.  I am made in his image (Genesis 1:27) and I am adopted as his daughter (Ephesians 1:5).
You can’t stand in front of a painting and call it ugly without offending the painter. And you can’t look in the mirror and dislike what you see without offending the Father. He made you, and He delights in his creation –
Whether you wear make-up or not.
Whether you have perfect skin or not.
Whether you’re tall or short, “fat” or thin;
(insert your insecurity here).
The Lord has taught me a lot about beauty and about loving myself in the process of going without make-up.  He didn’t ask me to give up make-up because wearing it is wrong or because He wanted to punish me.  He loves me so much that He will do whatever it takes for me to love myself,
and I’m really starting to.
The Lord is faithful in His pursuit of His people.  When we trust that He only wants good for us, we can fully surrender our lives to him. 
It’s about saying “Yes” to God before He finishes the question. 
Thanks for reading!

Here's a beautiful song that reminds me of this –
“Nothing I Hold On To” by Will Reagan & United Pursuit