Last night I encountered God like I never have before, in the pouring rains of Ecuador. To say that the night was magical and supernaturual is an understatement. I don’t even know if words can convey my emotions and my experience but I’ll give it a whirl. It all started out with three girls just wanting to dance around in the rain! Char, Allie, and I went out to the courtyard at the house we are staying at. I climbed up on this cement platform to look over the city and thats when the declarations began! As I stood over the city I started screaming “lets declare stuff!” We declared over the city, over each other, over our team, over our squad, over all world racers, and over our friends and family. I could feel the holy spirit so heavy on me, God is so heavy! The declarations turned into prayer and thanksgiving. At one point I was screaming at the top of my lungs thanking God for cheese cake!! Why not? I love cheese cake! We danced around in the rain with the angels for about two hours but it only felt like a few minutes. We danced around with God and the angels in the middle of Ecuador!
As we were praying over the city I got a vision of the angel armies rushing through the streets of Ecuador and into the homes. God told me that we need to join his army in the fight for souls. We need to stop letting the angel armies do all the fighting, we need to join them in the fight!
“Turn us again to yourself, O God of Heaven’s Armies, Make your face shine down upon us.
Only then will we be saved.”
Psalm 80:7
I was soaking wet in the middle of Ecuador, soaked in God’s love, soaked in God’s grace, and soaked in God’s presence. God slobbered all over me! He slobbered all over me! I am covered in his slobber!
You are covered in his slobber!
I am drenched, I am drowning!
I am forever changed, FOREVER CHANGED!