What do Homeward Bound (the
movie) and Texas have in common? Well
nothing (besides that they are both awesome), but I am moving home!! That’s right ladies and gentlemen, I am
moving home to the great state of Texas.
Philip Cron (the boyfriend)
is driving back with me at the beginning of August. Philip is on a 40-day trip in the canyon
lands of Utah called Journey into The Deep. The whole point of the trip is to find deeper intimacy with the Lord
away from every day distractions. Philip
is on a team with 11 other people (Andrew, Sam, Jonathan, Anna, Erin, Jonathan,
Miles, Catherine, Lauren, Joshua, and Mark). Please pray for Philip and his team, pray that they would experience
God’s presence in ways that they never have! Pray for team unity and perseverance and most of all, pray for deep
intimacy with the father! You can pray
for me too, since I won’t be able to talk to Philip for the duration of his
Why are you moving home?
Great questions! Simply put-I am moving home because my Mom is
sick with melanoma cancer. I know that
God can heal her but I also know that He doesn’t always heal people for
whatever reason. I know that God is good
and I trust Him. I have prayed into it a
lot and I feel an overwhelming about of peace about moving back.
How can you be praying for
would continue to lead it.
through August since I am 100% support raised).
for boldness to speak out the things the Lord tells me to.
How can you help?
Honest, I need a lot of
prayer. Transitions are hard, especially
when they aren’t for ideal reason. Pray
that I would be vulnerable and open. I am 100% support raised, like I said and
I still need to raise more money before I move home in August. If you feel called to give then please right
a check (tax deductible) to:
Adventures in Missions
6000 Wellspring Trail
Gainesville, GA
Make sure the specify for
Alison Franklin
Thank you for everything…for
your support, prayers, and most of all for your LOVE! I am so thankful for having such an amazing
support system.