Today V Squad is fasting…only water and juice for 24 hours.  We are fasting in order to pray for our finances and support raising.  Since I’m a total genius and decided to go work out today…I’m talking about an intense, butt kicking work out!  Bad idea, huh?  I was suppose to work at four but decided to let a co-worker work for me.  My sister was suppose to pick my Dad up at work at five (his car hasn’t been working as of yesterday) but she asked me to pick him up because she was still at the gym.  I came to pick him up but decided to show up at four thirty since I was already in the area.  This is all about to come together…I promise.  Haven’t y’all ever seen the movie Crash?  
   So I get to the school at four thirty (he is an 8th grade English teacher) and I’m sitting out in the hall, the bell rings and the kids come racing out.  I look in the window but my Dad is talking to a kid (I’m guessing he was getting a talkin’ to if you know what I’m saying!)  I’m just hanging out in the hall, waiting for my Dad to get done when I make eye contanct with another teacher, she is in her fourties.  I say hi and introduce myself.  She continues to ask me if I am the young lady going on the mission trip.  Then she tells me that I’m beautiful and she can see Jesus radiating from me.  What a nice lady!  Then she continues to say that she doesn’t have much but she feels as if God is putting it on her heart to donate $25 dollars a month towards my mission trip.  Seriously God…you just keep on blowing my mind!!!!  Whoa…God is just leaving my speachless.  What if my Dad’s car didn’t break down? What if i ended up working today?  What if my sister ended up picking up my Dad?  It’s just so amazing to me that God is constantly connecting the dots in our lives