Hi everyone! I’ve just returned to the US and God placed on my heart that I needed to write in words how much each and everyone of my supporters means to Christ and to me. It’s because of the body that not only me but missionaries all across the world have been provided for during their time on the field. Not only physically ( housing, meals, transportation) but spiritually also. I am so thankful for people who pray diligently for the foot soldiers on the ground in other nations to share the never ending love of Christ. Not only did you all support every project we’ve done, but you’ve been apart of giving people life eternal and that will NEVER fade away. You’ve been apart of giving the priceless and precious gift of Jesus Christ. These are some things I want to share that I am so thankful for.

Not only do you support what Christ is doing beyond what the eye can see, but you support and believe in me to be an example of the overflowing love of Christ to the nations as we share the beauty of the gospel nationwide. You believe in me as a missionary to be dependent on the Holy Spirit and be used as a vehicle to reveal truth to the nations.

Being a full time missionary is not easy. Sometimes it’s long days where you’re completely exhausted and covered from head to toe in dirt and grime. Other days you fall on your knees and ask your brothers and sisters to pray for you to have strength to withstand the arrows of the enemy. Sometimes we walk through the toughest parts of our stories because God wants to bring us closer. You’ve been apart of all of it. Every hard conversation that brought us closer to the Lord, you’ve been in it. You have invested in the life that God has called me into on the field. All of us are called to live a life on mission ( Matthew 28:16-20) and for some of us that literally means depending on the body to lift us up. The Bible says in our weakness he is strong and his grace is sufficient for us ( 2 Corinthians 12:9).

Through all the doubts and frustrations, He gives us an opportunity to meet the Father as our strength. Through all your giving, you have played apart in that. Isn’t it amazing how he connects all the dots so perfectly? He loves us so much that he wants to use us to accomplish his work on earth. We are actively apart of sharing the gospel that is alive and at work in bringing heaven to earth. Every person that is welcomed to the sheepfold, every smiling child, the manual labor, you’ve been apart of. It’s through the endless love of the Father that urges you to support me in prayer and finance that I have been able to serve as a missionary on the field for a year and a half now. Every lesson I learned couldn’t have been received if it weren’t for you.
Moving forward I know my time as a full time missionary isn’t over (another blog to come on that subject later) and I’m so abundantly blessed to have the opportunity to seek the Lord in all I do and follow him as he takes me into the world to spread his love. You all have such a special place in my heart and I’m overwhelmed with thanks as I write this. I’m thankful for the beautiful body of Christ, and for the King himself who leads and guides us all. I pray that we continue to be enthralled by the Presence of our King. That we take our rightful place next to Him in his glorious chariot, knowing that we get to share in all his splendor because of the finishing work of Jesus Christ. His seal of love is on us and keeps us lifted up in perfect love.

With gratitude and thanks,