“Trust in him at all times O people; pour out your heart before him; God is a refuge for us.” Psalm 62:8

It was another rainy day in the Dominican and I had been reading a short book given to us by our squad coaches. The book is called “Victory in Christ” by Charles Trumbull and it is amazing (Highly recommended if you ask me). I was sitting on the back half of the wrap around porch at our beautiful ministry site, and I was flipping through my bible trying to find a verse in Psalm that I couldn’t remember. As I was searching, I came across Psalm 62 which went PERFECTLY with what my book had been talking about. As if God wasn’t sneaky enough he decided to take it up a notch.

Backtracking to month one debrief at the start of our time here in the Dominican, we all got word of prophesy for a night at worship. On it, it wrote boldly, “He is trustworthy. He is worthy of your trust. Do you get that?” I was FLOORED. Literally jaw dropping awe of the immeasurable love the Father has for me. He knew exactly what I needed to hear, and that it wasn’t enough just to have someone say it to me, but that he would love someone else’s hand to be apart of the love letter he wanted to write to me. Crazy right? I had been stepping out and trusting him in ways I hadn’t before and it was uncharted territory, let me tell you. I have never prayed the things I have been praying now, and God has literally been bringing in so much harvest I can’t keep up. It wasn’t until reading this passage a few days ago that I took a second to look back at how incredibly trustworthy he’s been with everything lately. He’s carried me through the smallest of things and the largest or things all because I chose to trust in him. With each prayer being fulfilled I poured out more and more of my heart to him. Deep has been calling to deep in my life and I’m so full of pure love for my good Father.
I’ve rested so beautifully in this season of team leading because I’ve trusted so deeply in him. I know that he’s building me up for a reason and that there will be days it will be so hard to trust in him, but it’s in those times I can rest assure in the fact that he is God alone.
In Psalm 62:6 it says “He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress: I shall not be shaken.”
No one can even enter the same playing field as our God. No matter what I trust him with or don’t trust him with it won’t ever change the fact that his being is trustworthy. It doesn’t go away because Im not seeing it at present work in my life like I once did so clearly. My fortress won’t ever be shaken because in him alone IS refuge. Aside from myself he is a constant place of safety no matter if I can see past my present circumstances. I pray when things that are less than ideal come up in my life that I continue to look back to these moments and remember that even if I can’t see it, he is presently good to me. He is presently trustworthy because he is a refuge for us. He didn’t save us to his glorious light so he could give it and take it away, as if turning a light switch on and off. God gave us his very and absolute best when he gave us Jesus. He’s not holding out because he already gave it.

Jesus said, “My grace is sufficient, for my power is made perfect in weakness,”2 Corinthians 12:9. He has agreed to KEEP us. There is no darkness in the light. Even when we feel as though we’re stumbling around with no place to go, the light is still there. It’s within us and it’s never revoked once it’s there. He can be our refuge because he IS the constant light and he isn’t dependent upon us. How I love my Father for raising me from the grave so I could walk in the life he created for me since before the beginning of time. I’m so thankful for the blessings he has given me in this time because it’s led to constantly be in praise of who he is and not just for what he gives. All that I am lays down and praises because he has won my heart.
