It was much better than I had expected. I truly believe the Lord prepared my heart before entering Bangla Road. Seriously, Praise be to God.

On the way to Bangla Road my heart was racing…I was actually going to the red light district. Exactly a year ago, I watched the videos from former world racers who also had the chance to minister to the people in sex trafficking. As I watched video after video on the devastation in the red light district, I knew the Lord was calling me to something greater. Now it was my time to reach these men and women…

The moment we got out of the van that took us to Bangla Road I felt heaviness. Then, we walked down the well-known tourist attraction…


I have had a few instances in my life where I literally felt as though I was having an outer-body experience; this was one of those times. All around me, people were weaving in-and-out of the people who were entranced with what they were seeing-women and ladyboys putting on a show outside of the bars. The lights that lit up the street were almost blinding and the music and voices were on full blast. I felt as though I entered an outside club.

As I observed what was going on around me, I could not help but notice how many men were my age. The ones who were not my age were either older than 60 or looked like they just stepped out of a suburban home. The women who worked in the bars looked young…REALLY young. They could have easily been mistaken for girls who just graduated high school. I also could not help but to notice how many families there were-we’re talkin’ parents bringing their 8 year old kids! I had to ask myself,” Was there a circus in town?”

The road finally came to a stop. It really was not as bad as I thought. Do not get me wrong, it was hard watching everything that was going on around me; but I felt as though the Lord had equipped me beforehand. I knew in that moment that I was there for a reason and that Jesus would do mighty things that month.

       What would it look like on my end?

                                        Time would only tell.