So as most of you know, I am leading another trip for AIM (Adventures In Missions) this summer. Ummm…I could not be more excited! I have absolutely NO idea where I am going or what I will be doing yet (I should know within the next month); but I do know that Jesus has some big plans for my team. Nothing brings me more joy than seeing people walk in their identity in Christ and making disciples out of the nations. Yeah, it’s going to be awesome.


At the moment, I am in the process of raising funds for this trip and I am asking if you would prayerfully consider donating to the Lord’s ministry. I will need $2,000 which covers airfare, food, lodging, and insurance. If you would like to donate, you may click the “Support Me!” link on the left-hand side of the page.

Also, if you are interested in being a prayer partner for this trip, please let me know! I will be sending updates throughout my time overseas (including prayer requests) and I would love for you to partner with me in this way!

Thank you all again for supporting me throughout the past 3 years of mission work; seriously, I will be forever grateful. Just being part of the Lord’s work has opened my eyes to the bigger picture and I long to bring justice to the unjust world. I believe in change and I know you do to. Let’s unite, yet again, and bring Jesus to the nations.

I am now going to leave you with this…

I had to write an autobiographical ethnography about a time in my life that impacted me; whether good or bad. Of course, I chose to write (and then perform) about the time I decided to give my life to Christ. So here it is…my testimony in a spoken word/poetic form. Hope you enjoy it!

“I Remember You”

It’s going to be okay, little one

It’s going to be okay.

You see, I remember you.

You, who were so young, innocent, and pure.

You, who believed in love, grace, and happy endings.

You were me and I was you.

In the good book it explains how you were formed in your mother’s womb and were known, seen, and heard before time ever began.

You, my little one, were loved more than an eight year old’s mind could comprehend.

However, one day a wolf in sheeps clothing came to devour you- to strip you of that innocence that made you shine.

An eight year old’s body cannot take certain pressures and you rejected it,

while in the process,

rejecting your place in this world.

It’s going to be okay, little one

It’s going to be okay.

You see, I remember you.

You who were so naive yet believed wholeheartedly that you knew everything there was to know about what life had to offer.

You, who were so insecure and unsure of who you were, that you made people pleasing an art form.

An art form that would be scrutinized time and time again because of the mere fact that a pre-teen could never have it all together.

What place does a 12 year old have in this world anyway?

It’s going to be okay, little one

It’s going to be okay.

You see, I remember you.

You, who wore confusion as a fashion statement and who invited fear to take the place of peaceful understanding.

Yes, I remember you.

It has been said that a mother’s embrace has the power to heal those minor cuts and bruises;

but I remember.

You see, I remember that it was the illness which ate away your mother’s flesh that ultimately made your small abrasions into scars.

Scars that never seemed to go away no matter how long you tried to heal them.

Being in control of your situation made it easier to deal with the paranoia that controlled your mother.

But you see,

I was you and you were me

And trust me when I say this, that your identity does not rely on that lie.

Although you are your mother’s daughter

You, my little one, are not her.

It’s going to be okay, little one.

It’s going to be okay.

You see, I remember you.

You, who felt like the world was crashing down on you.

You, who could not take any more heartache.

Heartache that seemed to be served on a plate of gold- oh the irony.

I guess it’s true what they say,

money doesn’t make you happy and neither does popularity.

You see, I remember you.

You, who gave your heart away to a stranger.

A stranger who was disguised as Mr. Charming, himself.

Yes, I remember.

That stranger lunged deep within your soul and ripped out a piece of your heart;

only to leave it on your doorstep for others to walk on.

You see, I remember you.

You, who after many years, finally trusted a man enough to open your doors of intimacy-

only to find that he was not only taking from you but from another woman, as well.

It’s going to be okay, little one.

It’s going to be okay.

You see, I know you

for I was you and you were me.

I Remember the day you were redeemed.

Yes, I remember.

As you were kicking around in your own blood, a voice called to you and said, “Live!”

You see, I remember.

Then the cloud by day and the fire by night began to breathe into your dry bones.

Yes, I remember.

Out of your weakness, you became strong.

Out of your fear, you became a courageous warrior.

Out of your depression, you became joy.

Our of your darkness, your light became radiant.

Out of your hunger, you took in the Bread of Life.

Out of your bitterness, you forgave and extended grace.

Out of your hate, you discovered and became love.

You see, I remember.

That was the day you were awakened.

You see, I know it’s going to be okay because I saw a glimpse of your destiny.

You, my little one, are a mender of broken hearts.

A mouthpiece for the nations.

You, who got to travel the world in His name,

witnessed miracles, brought hope to the hopeless, and set the captives free.

You, who ignited others around you to walk into freedoms and to live life as an adventure.

You, who created change wherever you went.

You see, I remember you.

Although life can be cruel,

You, my little one, are powerful enough to overcome.

You, who now believes in:




and Redemption.

You, my little one, are now free.

I was you and you were me.

You see, I remember.