“We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the father, we too may live a new life.” Romans 6:4
The Philippines became not only my favorite country thus far, but also brought new freedoms from bondage that have been holding me down in chains for two years. The Lord was present in every which way possible; that comes as no surprise, though for our Savior keeps each one of HIS promises.

I am excited to announce that I was baptized for the first time last month! I felt the call from God and knew it was the right time and the right place! I was baptized in a small Filipino community where half of my team did ministry; it was located right next to a river-talk about perfection. To top it off, the people of the Amlan community were SO amazing; I could see Jesus shine in every single one of them.

I am not going to lie, it was hard not to have my family present for such a BIG event in my life-BUT JESUS COULD NOT WAIT!

I was, however, surrounded by my new-extended family in which each person had a special part! I asked Scott if he could do the honors and he gladly accepted; Denise was the photographer/film person of amazingness; Kate declared things over me from the book of truth; Annie Rose was the prayer warrior; and my dearest Krissy along with our new friend Timothy (ICM) provided the music! I could not have asked for anything better-it was exactly what I had in mind!
So here it is…a little keep-sake from my BIG day! I dedicate this video to ALL of my supporters and especially my family!

Dad, Carl, and Alexis…


This one is for you!



(And Krissy friend, thank you for helping me with this here video! I love you!)