Okay, to be completely honest, so far Africa has been so-so. I enjoyed my experience in Kenya, but it was definitely not what I was expecting. Why this surprises me, I have no idea! Almost everything I had expected to experience this year (ministry wise) has not played out; which is not entirely a bad thing.

Before this race I was told that I would either LOVE Africa or HATE it. Well, I do not love it and I definitely do not hate it. It is just…okay.

While in Kenya, my team and I got to live the true experience (well, as close to one as we could get). We did door to door evangelism, spoke at schools, helped around our tiny home for the month, and fellowshipped with any and everyone. There was A LOT of growth in my team and hours upon hours of bonding time. We also had the opportunity to live with a Real Lifer who spent the month with us. Maria Krump-or as we like to call her, KRUMP, brought so much life at a time where most World Racers catch the disease known as home sickness. This girl is incredibleand has so much to offer this world. All I can say is WATCH OUT! She will bring kingdom in areas that need it the most. I am excited to see how God uses her.

So, again, I am at the end of the month and heading into a new one with an open mind and heart. I will welcome month seven with arms wide open…Tanzania, here I come!