The moment the opportunity came up to lead a youth night, my heart leaped out of my chest and I knew I could not pass it up.

 I know I should be obedient when the Lord calls, so…I was.

Part of my team and I were invited to lead a youth night at Cornerstone Church while in Malaysia. I felt like the Lord called me to give the sermon; so I did! Jesus showed up BIG time! I had NEVER felt the Holy Spirit so present during a sermon before-it was AMAZING! The Lord spoke through me that night about acceptance. Let’s face it, the youth today are pressured into looking and acting a certain way; so basically, conforming to the way of the world. Teens are also pressured by their parents in new extremes so that they can go off to college and make GOOD money. So teens are staying up until the early hours of the morning trying to complete all the homework assignments from the plethora of AP classes they are taking. Then, to add to it all, the youth of today are surrounded by sin…more like CONSUMED by it. I KNOW each one of these examples well; I was once a teenager.

After the sermon, Scott said if ANYONE needed prayer that we would be there to pray. Well, the Lord evidently had a purpose for us being there because almost the WHOLE room of kids came up to my team and poured out their hearts. It was one of the most humbling experiences I have EVER been a part of.

Then…the Lord REALLY moved.

Two teenage girls came up to me and asked for prayer. One needed prayer for the stress that we would call exams and that joy would overcome her and take the place of depression. My heart cried out for this girl; I too was once depressed-suicidal, you name it. I prayed over this teen girl and declared things over her-the Lord has a BIG purpose for her; I can FEEL it! Then her friend started to ask me questions about acceptance and what that means in a Christian standpoint. This girl then said that she has been going to this church for a while, but has yet given her life to Christ.

“Jesus, speak through me,” was the only thing that kept running through my head…And that HE did.

I shared with this girl the story of Nicodemus and how much Jesus LOVES her-how HE is pursuing her. The Lord then spoke and told me to ask if she would like to accept Christ into her heart. I literally felt sick and was like, “No God…you are funny…I don’t think she wants to.” The Lord, however, kept persisting that I ask and that I just needed to TRUST him; so I was obedient.

The moment I asked the teen girl if she wanted to have a personal relationship with Jesus; she smiled widely and said, “YES!” I about fell over…seriously. So, that night I got to walk her through the prayer of salvation; it was one of the best moments of my life. If nothing else were to happen this year (which I know there will be) that night was WORTH coming on this trip!

The Lord moved that night…It was incredible to be part of it.

We have one more sister in the Kingdom.  Amen.