“There is a little girl in Romania who NEEDS YOUR healing.”

These were the words prophesied over me while at Launch in the beginning of the year; however, that was not the first time I had heard those words.

Allow me to explain…

Throughout my entire existence, I had never been exposed to the true presence of the Holy Spirit. So, you could only imagine what was going through my mind when I stepped foot onto World Race soil; I literally thought they had lost their minds (they being the WR staff)! If you have insight on AIM (adventures in Mission-the organization that runs the WR) you know that this organization relies fully on the leading of the Holy Spirit. What does that mean exactly??? Well, here is an example: Let’s say that you are sitting next to some random woman on the metro train and all of a sudden your spirit (that little voice in your head) is telling you to give her a word-and although you may feel like it sounds crazy, you are obedient and speak on behalf of the Holy Spirit living inside of you…well, that’s AIM. My initial thought of this whole idea of “Holy Spirit living” was to ignore it completely, but now, it is the only way I know how to live; you can call me crazy, but I would chose this way of living over “normal living” any day.

Okay, now to get back on track…while at Training Camp, last October, I got to experience the Holy Spirit for the very first time-it about FREAKED me out, but I KNEW it was from God (How did I know??? Holy Spirit Living! 😉 ). I had people speaking in tongues, dancing, singing, and crying all around me and at first I asked, “Is this a cult?” and then the spirit inside me told me to relax…this was a God thing. Well, one night, I prayed over someone who was interceding and once she was finished, she prayed over me. The first sentence out of her mouth, was…

“There is a little girl in Romania and she is waiting for you.”

I was done for the night. I had checked out. I was worn-out. I was through. Did someone just prophesy over me? Isn’t prophesy an Old Testament sort of thing? The audacity.

I left Training Camp with a better understanding of what the Holy Spirit was and fell completely in love with the Trinity-who would have thought? However, I left the World Race grounds declaring that the prophesy spoken over me was made-up; that it was never going to happen. The prophesy followed me home, though, and started to consume my every thought…really, it was annoying. It ended up haunting me all the way up to Launch, which was the last minute “training” at the start of the race. One of the days was entitled, “Prophesy Day;” ummm…right. Already my mind ventured off into its own little world-there was NO WAY I was going to take this seriously. Up to that point, I had only told two other people back at home about the prophesy and NO ONE ELSE! “I am not going to turn out like the crazy ones,” is what I had been telling myself; if only I could have seen 6 months into the future of little Alisa calling on the name of the Lord to cast out a demonic presence in a home in Africa. Just saying.

Anywho, the World Race staff had a little exercise in mind to help each new Word Racer practice the art of prophesy. They had us make two circles-the outer part facing in and the inner circle facing out. Each person had to be in front of another person in order to participate. Well, the round began…The outer circle had their eyes closed and the inner circle was told to stand in front of one of them and hear what the Lord was speaking through that other person. I made my way through the crowd of people and stood in front of a girl I barley knew. The only reason why I was doing the exercise was to hurry up and get it over with; so I was surprised to hear what actually came out of the girl’s mouth:

“There is a little girl in Romania who needs your healing.”

“You have got to be kidding me!” was the only statement running through my mind at that moment. My jaw about dropped to the floor and I began to cry. I knew, in that instant, that this prophesy WAS from God-that was the moment I no longer doubted HIM.

Now that you know the story of “the prophesy,” Let’s now fast-forward to month 9 of the race.

Month 9: Ukraine

While in this country, my team had to pray to see which country the Lord wanted us to minister in next. We had to chose between six different countries, (Romania being one of them) which tested my obedience in crazy ways. I gave the decision completely over to the Lord. I had been praying for “the little girl,” myself, and the prophesy in general ever since Launch; and although it was hard to do, I gave all control over to the Lord and trusted in the fact that NO plan of God’s can be thwarted. I told God, “If you want me to go to Romania, if this is the time, open the door widely for my team to step in too; and if not, slam the door shut.” Well, sure enough, the country that my team chose was none other than…drum-roll please…


My heart sank, I am not going to lie, but I kept my eyes on our Savior and put all of my trust in HIM. A couple days after our decision, my team leader made the announcement that the door to Bulgaria had been closed and a new door had been opened-Romania. Peace came upon me and I instantly began worshiping our God for I knew what was awaiting me in Romania. I asked God to prepare my heart-I did NOT want to go into October with expectations. I prayed that I would not look for the prophesy to happen, but that I would recognize when, it indeed, did.

And that is exactly what happened.

To be continued…