This is a blog I have avoided writing for a little while… Not because I don't believe it is powerful but because I wanted to make sure I shared my message just as I received it and made sure that it was full of grace. 


One day I was driving home in Houston; I was upset and I was praying some precatory prayers just as David did in the psalms. (Precatory prayers= when he is praying about God smiting people and destroying them) I was frustrated at the way people have an ability to not follow through with what they said they would do. In anger, I turned to the lover of my soul to complain… Yes, very godly of me, but I was venting to Him and not another. 


I got so flustered that I said "why can't they follow through with what they say? Why does a simple RSVP take so much effort from people?"


I busted out in tears and then gently heard the Lord say to me… "Have you ever noticed how people always say that actions speak louder than Words?" I was intrigued….


"Yes Lord!" 


"When was the last time My Words were different than My actions?" 




The Lord created all that we know with His WORD. There is Power in His Word and when He speaks His actions and Words match every time. He says in the scriptures in Numbers 23;19 "God is not a man, that He should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind" and in Malachi 3:6, He says "For I am the Lord, I do not change."  When He speaks, His Words are truth and what is said does not change. 


We, human beings, are created in His image and with the same Rhua, or Spirit that raised Jesus from the grave… We have the same creative power in our WORDS, but we seem to let so many things out of our mouths: truths, half truths, exaggerations, curses, blessings that when we speak, we do not have the same power. Our Words and our actions need to match so that when we speak we can have the same power in our Words. 


I was crushed and drawn to repentance at that point because I know the way my Words are not pure. Since that moment the scripture in Proverbs 18:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof" has taken on a whole new meaning. Lord help me be a woman of my Word because I want to know that when I speak, my words have the creative power that You want for me to have.