Dear Friend~
Hope this letter finds you healthy and blessed. Over the past few months The Lord has been stretching and catapulting me to a different place in my faith walk. I have been challenged to believe that He has called me for a greater purpose and destiny.
So, beginning in July, I will serve as a missionary through an organization, Adventures in Missions, in their World Race program. The World race is an 11-month Christian mission trip to 11 different countries around the world. Through adventure, ministry, community and self discovery, World racers develop broken hearts that propel their hands to act for God's kingdom around the globe. On the World race, my team and I will serve in partnership with churches, and ministries in local communities to preach the Gospel, plant churches, work in orphanages, minister to women and children who are trapped in prostitution as a result of human trafficking, and bring the hope and restoration of the Father's love to many tribes and nations.
I could not be more excited and humbled that The Lord would choose me to go and be the hands and feet of Jesus to the nations. As a matter of fact some days I just break into tears thinking of the journey that it took to get me to this point where I could answer "YES" to His call. I am confident that He will provide my every need in order for me to fulfill this new assignment. I also know that He uses people to bring His work into fruition. So today I am asking that you will prayerfully consider partnering with me in this journey.
I believe there are three ways that you can join in this divine assignment:
1. PRAY!
In Philippians 4:6 it tells us not be anxious for anything but instead to bring everything before The Father in prayer and petition with thanksgiving. I believe in the power of prayer and I will need your prayers every day. There have been many times in my life where I have asked for prayers from my brothers and sisters in Christ and I know that their prayers moved the hand of God on my behalf. One of my desires is to assemble a prayer group email with strategic prayer points for and during this trip. If you would like to commit to this level of prayer, please, let me know by sending me your e-mail address. If this is not you… It's ok! All I ask is that if you think of me, say a little prayer or a blessing.
All across the Bible, God has so carefully sent messengers/missionaries to build His Kingdom here on earth. In every instance that I have read, He would give provision or funding for the trip and He would send them off. This journey is no exception. The cost for this trip is $15,500 and I KNOW God will provide according to His riches in Glory. In this journey I've learned that God uses His people to manifest His Glory through them. So I am confident that He has already started speaking to those of you who would partner in the financial funding of this trip. Whether its a monthly donation of $25 or a one time gift of $1000 every dollar counts! Remember the widow with the two coins in Mark 12:42, Jesus said she had given more than the rich who gave more money. It is all about your heart condition and your response to what God is asking you to do.
*There are two ways that you can give:
A. You can mail a check made out to "Adventures In Missions" with "Aline Nahhas" in the subject line and send it with the response card to
Adventures in Missions
PO Box 534470
Atlanta, GA 30353- 4470
The response card will provide enough information for AIM to send you a receipt for your donation.
B. The other way is to make your donation online, you may do so by visiting my blog site at . Just click the "Support Me" link on the upper left side of the page and complete your donation as instructed.
The best resource of marketing anything is word of mouth. I am asking you to join the assignment by spreading the word. Share this letter with friends and family members or people you know would want to partake in international missions, sharing the love of Jesus with the least of these. Also, part of my journey will be journaling my process in a blog. I have begun writing in the blog already and I am confident that the entries will minister to those who read them because the scriptures tell us that we overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony. Jesus + My testimony or blog= WIN! So I encourage you to read it and pass it along, who knows maybe your journey and mine are not that different after all.
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I want to thank you for your prayers and financial support in advance. May God bless you as you prayerfully consider partnering with me in this ministry.
�In Jesus~
Aline Nahhas