Romania is best known for it’s world renown Dracula’s Castle in Transylvania. It is a beautiful castle that sits upon a hill, recreated for the Hollywood film “Count Dracula” based on the life of  Vlad the Impaler. And although that is what makes this place famous, it is not what will make it famous in my book.  


My story is about a small village in the south called Draganesti Olt where Q Squad got to reside for the month of March. The name Dragonesti means “a place of love” and that is exactly what it takes to reside there an act of love. 



These are the Costea’s and they are the pioneers in church planting in the area of Draganesti Olt and neighboring villages. They are courageous and bold for Jesus and not only that but they have an incredible heart for the people of Romania and the neighboring countries. 

 Under their ministry are many different outreach projects and the one that my team got to be a part of was called “9000 Souls”. We went door to door handing out New Testaments and when the opportunity arose we shared the gospel. 




We met many people and many were very welcoming to having a conversation and receiving a New Testament. There were a few that were not as excited and one that even said he was the devil, but for the most part people were receptive to our interruptions. 


This was our team captain for this project, this is Alecs and he was an incredible encourager and showed great humility and flexibility. 

This is Sorin and myself on an outreach day taking the information of this lady so she can have someone come and do a Bible Study with her. 

This is Bethany and Sammy  handing out fliers for our Free glasses outreach. 


Another project that I got to take a part of is teaching beginner English for the locals of our project. I taught Sorin, Ion and Marinela. They were great students and I enjoyed the two hours every day so much. 

From Horror Movie to a Place of Love, Draganesti Olt will forever be remembered.