Hey Y'all!!
My name is Aline (Ah-lean) Nahhas and I am coming from Houston, TX.
I am a 32 year old girl with a heart and passion to chase down her first love, Jesus Christ, to wherever He leads.
I love the arts: music, visual arts and dance, and feel most alive when I am participating in one of those.
I enjoy watching a good chic flick or a romantic comedy at any point in time. I can say that I am the proud owner of quite the collection of this genre of DVDs.
I LOVE to read and have several favorite books; way too many to list.
"What do I do for a living?" Great question… I am a project manager with Communities in Schools of Houston and I work at an elementary school with at-risk students trying to eliminate any obstacle from their lives that would impede them from graduating high school one day.
One of my favorite things to do on the weekends is attend my young adults group, The 429 (headed up by Pastors Jeremy & Jennifer Foster) on Saturday nights or spend time hanging out with the friendships God has provided through The 429. Our hangouts usually include food, but are eclectic in style. One night we might be serving the homeless or having an 80's roller skating party. Since we are from Texas that can mean we go salsa dancing or to the rodeo. It doesn't matter what it is, it's always a good time and God is ALWAYS at the center of it.
Another one of my weekend favorites is being a part of my Church, Worlds Apart Ministries. I am part of the choir and serve on the deacon board, but what I enjoy most is being part of a church body that is changing lives every day. My Pastors (Abram & Ana Padron, One Miller) are genuine, unique and have the greatest heart and passion for God's people. I would not be where I am today if God had not led me to submit under their leadership. I could not have asked for better leadership!
Speaking of not being here today… I would not be alive today if it were not for my parents, Mary & Wassim. They have walked with me through so much… I wasn't always this awesome! I am also honored to be the first born out of three fabulous,  ridiculously talented girls (Salwa- the fashion queen & Marlen- the talented opera singer/actress), and I am the auntie of three sweet precious children (Izabelle, Jacob and Thomas Wassim) that are the loves of my life.
I have one brother-in-law, Peter married to Salwa and one (speaking in faith) future bro-in-law, Josh… Yup… I'm team Josh dating Marlen.
So this is me… BUT all this greatness I've shared does not make me wonderfully and fearfully made… The very fact that God made me in His image is enough! God made me and you PERFECT and all these details just add to His glory!